I have three movie clips that I am using as buttons.
Their instances in the movie are Espanol_btn, Francais_btn and Deutsch_btn.
I have added script to control the rollover and press/release states of the buttons, and now need to get the script to recognise which of the three buttons was pressed, store that result in the variable called [COLOR=Blue]lang [COLOR=Black](The posibilities are Espanol, Francais or Deutsch), and depending on what the variable [COLOR=Blue]land [/COLOR]is, do different things. The script is below.
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var lang:String;
var year:Number =0;
var unit:Number =0;
var section:Number =0;
//===============================LOGO ANIMATES ONSTAGE=========================================
// move top logo into position
var yPosT:Tween = new Tween(logoTop, "_y", Elastic.easeInOut, -38.5, -0.3, 1.5, true);
//=====================LANGUAGE BUTTONS - ROLLOVER ANIMATION FUNCTIONS=========================================
// function to grow lang_btns on rollover
function grow(){
if(this._xscale < 110){
this._xscale += 5
this._yscale += 5
} else {
this.onEnterFrame = null;
// function to grow lang_btns continuously on rollover
function growOverTime() {
this.onEnterFrame = grow;
// function to shrink lang_btns on rollout
function shrink() {
if(this._xscale > 100){
this._xscale -= 5
this._yscale -= 5
} else {
this.onEnterFrame = null;
// function to shrink lang_btns incrementally on rollout
function shrinkOverTime() {
this.onEnterFrame = shrink;
//=====================LANGUAGE BUTTONS - RELEASE OUTSIDE FUNCTION=========================================
// function to release lang_btns & call shrink() function on onReleaseOutside
function unpressOutside() {
if(this._xscale > 100){
this._xscale -= 2.5
this._yscale -= 2.5
this._x = this._x -5;
this._y = this._y -5;
} else {
this.onEnterFrame = null;
//=====================LANGUAGE BUTTONS - PRESS/RELEASE FUNCTIONS=========================================
// function to press lang_btns onPress
function depress() {
this._x = this._x +5;
this._y = this._y +5;
// function to release lang_btns onRelease
function unpress() {
this._x = this._x -5;
this._y = this._y -5;
// run 'navigate' function
//=====================LANGUAGE BUTTONS - NAVIGATION SCRIPT========================================
// function to navigate to next level of buttons
function navigate() {
if (lang == "Espanol") {
if (lang == "Francais") {
if (lang == "Deutsch") {
//=====================YEAR BUTTONS - FUNCTION CALLS TO OPERATE BUTTONS=========================================
// Make functions play on rollover/rollout/press/release of Unit buttons
_root.Espanol_btn.onRollOver = growOverTime;
_root.Espanol_btn.onRollOut = shrinkOverTime;
_root.Espanol_btn.onPress = depress;
_root.Espanol_btn.onRelease (lang = "Espanol");
_root.Espanol_btn.onRelease = unpress;
_root.Espanol_btn.onReleaseOutside = unpressOutside;
_root.Francais_btn.onRollOver = growOverTime;
_root.Francais_btn.onRollOut = shrinkOverTime;
_root.Francais_btn.onPress = depress;
_root.Francais_btn.onRelease = unpress;
_root.Francais_btn.onReleaseOutside = unpressOutside;
_root.Deutsch_btn.onRollOver = growOverTime;
_root.Deutsch_btn.onRollOut = shrinkOverTime;
_root.Deutsch_btn.onPress = depress;
_root.Deutsch_btn.onRelease = unpress;
_root.Deutsch_btn.onReleaseOutside = unpressOutside;
Here is the link to the movie to give you an idea if what I’m trying to achieve
Hopefully to some code wizard out there it will be decipherable as to what’s going on and how I can get this to work.
I thank you in advance for any help given.
Peace :party: