there was a hyperdermic needel found a in a burger. some one bit in to it and it stuck in his mouth.
i think its a good time to say that i am now vegetarian.
there was a hyperdermic needel found a in a burger. some one bit in to it and it stuck in his mouth.
i think its a good time to say that i am now vegetarian.
whast be even better if the addict who lost it sued for illegal tasting of the heroin or something of that nature
i heared that they use some cardboard in there burgers. but i dont know if that is correct.;(
They also have that law suit against them because their food causes obesity… yep, that is a true law suit currently active with them.
Lame… it is common sense it makes you fat! Friggin’ retards.
But yeah, that needle thing is horrible… ew.
haha they should go on the sub way diet with jarred.
commen sence, fast food is causes people to gain weight. it doesnt take a docter to figure that out.
Yeah, some lady is suing McDonalds because she is saying that it gave her a fat as$.
No McDonalds doens’t use cardboard in their burgers. I don’t want to defend them but sometimes the lies about them is really annoying…
its just another way to try to make some money. its their fault for eating the whole doller menu, not any one elses!
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**Yeah, some lady is suing McDonalds because she is saying that it gave her a fat as$.
No McDonalds doens’t use cardboard in their burgers. I don’t want to defend them but sometimes the lies about them is really annoying… **
Yeah I find them annoying too. Sure I know sometimes nasty things go on in any resturaunt, but some nasty things happen in someones kitchen too :-\
the fat suit had no chance (Im pretty sure a judge already dispelled it)
the needle thing is pretty rank, though any punk kid at any food franchise can be the culprit of that. Im sure teh big whigs over at Micky-Ds HQ didnt agree on starting to include random surprise needles in their hamburgers… but really, how can you not notice that in a dinky mcd burger? sounds flaky
How can you not know that there was a needle in it, wouldnt it be a little odd shaped or something? Or maybe they should stop making those Round hamberger like needles =)
(yes i am fully aware that it was probably just the needle tip, but im being sarcatic =) )
*Originally posted by senocular *
**the fat suit had no chance (Im pretty sure a judge already dispelled it)
the needle thing is pretty rank, though any punk kid at any food franchise can be the culprit of that. Im sure teh big whigs over at Micky-Ds HQ didnt agree on starting to include random surprise needles in their hamburgers… but really, how can you not notice that in a dinky mcd burger? sounds flaky **
Actually I just heard the case was still on yesterday, that is what made me think of it just now. Yep, still in court because some dumb lady got fat from eating fast food everyday. That is like suing every junk food company for obecity… grrr, makes no sense. It is her fault for eating too much.
As far as I heard it was dismissed until someone proved there were health risks that weren’t generally well-known. (maybe there’s more than one lawsuit though).
Could be. On the news it just said causing obesity, they didn’t say to who or anything.
The funny part is that part of their argument revolves around the food being addicting.
Sorry McDonalds, your food is too good. Time to get sued.
true fact:
Does anyone know that the year of 2002 was the first year that McDonalds had registered a loss of a couple of million dollars?
And that they´re closing almost 600 restaurants around the globe?
some of the reasons:
-recently bad publicity;
-anti transgenic laws (specially on europe (brazil too =)));
-increased competition;
-law suits;
Did you know at one point there was a mcDonalds being built every 5 minutes?
bring down the clown!!! The Fast Food lawsuit i heard about involved an older construction worker who is suing multiple fast food companies for being the only option to eat during his short lunch breaks during the past 30 years. Nobody forced him to eat there, but then again, no one forces you to eat. It’s kind of a necessity to sustain life, and his arguement is that these restaurants sold him unhealthy food, and did not provide an alternative option for healthy eating. Its actually kinda similiar to the tobacco lawsuits; knowingly selling harmful products to the american public. I think the lawsuits are a little far fetched, but if smokers can sue Phillip Morris and win, then why can’t fat bohemoth’s sue Burger King and walk away with a couple million dollars?
New Slogan for McDonalds; would you like fries with your lawsuit?
HEY, I didnt ASK to be a boy!
:sues god:
*Originally posted by senocular *
**HEY, I didnt ASK to be a boy!
:sues god: **
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