from the very center of new york new york, if you had a radius of 20 miles, you could find precisely 375 McDonalds restaurants in the area of that circle.
374 if you don’t count the one that’s right on the 20 mile line.
from the very center of new york new york, if you had a radius of 20 miles, you could find precisely 375 McDonalds restaurants in the area of that circle.
374 if you don’t count the one that’s right on the 20 mile line.
That’s alot of Crappy Restaurrants… Blah…
I hate McDonald’s…
i just thought I’d ue mcdonalds store locator since I was using Electronic Boutiques. I thought it’d be funny. …and it turned out scary
wow thats alot of food
omg! There must be a mcd0nalds on every corner!
haha imagine having no money, and your walking to work and your passing a mcdonalds every block. that would be hell:skull:
I hate McD too… they don’t even serve food…
heh in mcdonalds you have to wait at least 15 minutes in the line to order and when you’ve ordered you have to wait another 15 minutes til you get what you’ve ordered!
One day I was walking to Hesburger and therw were only 4 people I guess - eating! Absolutely no line! I order and I got what I’ve ordered right away! Didn’t have to wait for anything! And the food was better than in Mcdonalds! It was like a dream come true! HesBurger is much much better than Mcdonalds!
They must have a mcdonalds inside a mcdonalds, that’s a lot of mcdonalds and a lot of lawsuits as well. =)
I likes that low quality food at mcdonalds every once and a while.
and we wonder why there are so many fat people in North America today
I would like to see a Burger King and Wendys store locater too! In fact - make a map with only fast food joints on it, I bet you can’t even see the names of the citys because there are too many red dots on the bloody map!
All large cities would simply be just one big dot =)
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