My New Rifle

hey guy, just recieved my new SVT40 today… well ok its not really mine, its my bro’s but i’ll shoot it just as much, the only diff will be that he has to clean it :stuck_out_tongue: … well its a Russian SVT40, a semi-automatic rifle, with a 7.62X54 round… can’t wait we go shooting… this rifle is gonna be awesome!:thumb: :A+:

-later peepole!

I searched and saw pics of it! that thing is pretty cool!

…uh… this wouldn’t have anything to do with the “go-ped” incident would it …


[size=1]watch out … he’s gotta gun !!![/size]



lol no… nothing with the go-ped incident… yet :evil:

and yeah… it does look cool! and the blueing and the stock is all in excellent condition… very nice!

lol rev. :stuck_out_tongue:

btw… any other gun collector’s on this forum?

shesh i need one of those for my blade…:stuck_out_tongue: post pics!


I have a question Spets, would one of those fit in say… a golf bag?

my camera doesn’t work right now, but here is a list of my other rifles…

Romanian SKS -Semi-Auto
Yugo SKS -Semi-Auto
2 Russian M44 Mosin-Nagants -Bolt Action
Higgins Model 20 12 gauge -Pump Action
2 Finnish M39 -Bolt Action
Mauser 98k -Bolt Action
Remington 597 .22 -Semi-Auto
SVT40 -Semi-Auto
Enfield No. 4 Mk. 3 -Bolt Action

Gonna post some pics right now…

a golf bag… umm i’m not sure… depends on how big a gold bag is i guess… but you decided from the pics i’m gonna post :beam:

ok heres some of the pics… and some of them are just terrible!

  • there are some pics of the guns… and some of when we went shooting…

a pic of a disc brake we shot up! :evil:

see those little things on the ground… those are our shells.

Romanian SKS with a stripper clip

Lee Enfield (with a synthetic stock), Romanian SKS, and Yugo SKS

Enfield with original, wooden stock

later peepole! more pics to come!

the romanian gun is just so sweet! the last two dont work…

yeah the SKS (Samazaradnaya Vintovka Simanova) is awesome, almost the same thing as an ak47, but semi-auto, other than that, similar mechanism… same ammo. but no automatics in cali :frowning:


I like gun control…

i like gun control too…

some more…


Okay okay, I got some myself : LOL

ahah! you first pin is so funny!
