Me Jumping out of a plane (video)

Hey all,
I just finished digitizing the video of me skydiving last summer and threw it up on my server.

Its 10.3MB so you might want to download it locally rather than trying to stream it.

Weather/money pending I will be jumping again this friday…

anyway here is the link.

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lol what a dope! that was cool :slight_smile:

i think theres a lot of people dling- im only going at 20 kb/sec…:’(

wow dude, that’s great - I cant’ wait to see the video.

A guy in my class last year showed us a video of his sky diving adventure - it scared the ****e outta me :slight_smile: But now I feel like I have to do it - to prove that i can… Did it freak you out?

Wow, cool! =)
I’m gonna do this as well this summer… I can’t wait after seeing your video!! :thumb:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**wow dude, that’s great - I cant’ wait to see the video.

A guy in my class last year showed us a video of his sky diving adventure - it scared the ****e outta me :slight_smile: But now I feel like I have to do it - to prove that i can… Did it freak you out? **

Not at all man. The scariest part of the whole thing is the plane ride up. (I hate small birds)

You fall slower then the plane is traveling so when you jump out you have the sensation of weightlessness.

Its really smooth stuff. At 14,000FT you cant evenn notice the ground coming up at you because its so far away. It feels like your hovering.

I hope I can afford to jump again tomorrow.

Rere420 is coming. She is going to jump for the first time.

oh wow - what a feeling that must be. That video is really cool - did they put it all together for you? Was it worked into the price?

It’s a great idea and much better than the one I saw of the guy in my class - very well done!

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**oh wow - what a feeling that must be. That video is really cool - did they put it all together for you? Was it worked into the price?

It’s a great idea and much better than the one I saw of the guy in my class - very well done! **

I paid an extra few bucks to have a videographer jump out with a camera to tape the whole thing. I edited the tape a bit myself.

There was a ton of talking and crap that I cut out and added some skull crushing metal.

There was a ton of talking and crap that I cut out and added some skull crushing metal.



wow, thats reallly cool!

raaah! cool vid! not sure about the ‘skull crushing metal’ though :wink:

Kickass. Lovethe music selection:thumb:

Thankx bro

Just watched the video - really awesome fester :slight_smile:

w00t people making out in the air. I’d feel weird having someone hug my *** at 15000 feet. But hell it looks good.

why the hell is the filmin guy barefooted (i think it was his foot)
unfortunately i can’t take pics because of stoopid graphic cards that suck (it’s at 2:50 on the film)

WEEEEEEEEE plop silence

I ask you please jus give us… Five Minutes Alone!!!

Pantera freakin rocks!!! good choice of music!!

awww…do you have it in any other formats? mac cant read it…

points and laughs

hahahahahaha Dipi hahahahahaha :slight_smile:

Ok I’m done now :wink:

i just saw it, on my PC now, that is crazy~i want to go so bad. but my cosine who went said that going on Superman at Six Flags New England is more of a thrill? oh well, i still want to do it!