Media influence

I dont know if you want to help me or not, but I have to write a report about media influence.

Does media affect the moral climate of society or is it simply a mirror of society?

Plz dont post any (I guess you would call it) – spam.

Thx for your help. :ub:

to me its a viscious circle

for sake of simplicity:

morals go downhill, people in showbiz realize what attracts the public, because of their own moral decay the showbiz people then bombard the public with an oversaturation of said attractions to make money, this saturation in turn floods the minds of the populace making it normal current thought, and thereby degrading the morals of society even more; starting it all over again.

so filthy media comes from filthy minds
and filthy minds come from filthy media

it’s all a product of your mind either end you come from, viewer or creator

That’s what I was thinking. I found a good link that explains your post a bit more in depth, but I lost it :frowning:

Thx for your post :thumb:

Yep - whatever prstudio said :slight_smile:
