Memory Leak

Here’s the situation:

• Building a flash mmo
• I’ve optimized everything I can come up with.
• I have animated character models that travel screen to screen in a similar fashion to AQ worlds and other browser based MMO’s of that style.
• There is a memory leak that continuously increases as the character model travels from screen to screen and I’m not sure if it has to do with having to reload the character model each time a new screen loads or if there is some kind of mysterious voodoo problem causing the memory leak.
• GC isn’t unloading. And if it is, it’s not doing it enough or at fast enough intervals to make up for the huge amount of memory consumption due to the leak.
• Flash will inevitably crash because of the memory leak as it consumes too much memory for the system to handle.
• Imagine 20+ characters on screen. The models being draw every time you enter a new screen. Anyone’s memory is going to make a frowny face at that and Flash will do the crash dance.
• What in god’s sweet name could possibly be done to fix a huge memory leak like this? Is there something I’m missing somewhere that is either extremely obvious or is there an entirely new problem that I’ve discovered and should just leap out a window?