I think you should find this funny.
hahaha, oh man that made me laugh
Seen Before, never made me laugh…
umm… sorry I didn’t find it funny.
If your building collapses, give yourself a blowjob while waiting to be rescued.
lol, i laughed like crazy
presuming telekinesis’ post was a positve, then that means 3/5 have a sence of humor.
I laughed my *** of when I first read it (hell, it still makes me chuckle), all my friends laughed a hell of a lot. Every single one.
thanks phil
yah I think those were posted here earlier in the year, but I may be wrong.
Either way - very funny Thanks for the laugh!
we i dont find it funny too
Thats pretty good… I saw the same thing done with those airline safty cards…
*Originally posted by Niann *
**Thats pretty good… I saw the same thing done with those airline safty cards…
-Niann **
Ever seen a little movie called Fight Club?
this is simply my favorite:
<div align=center><IMG height=169 src=“http://www.theboxset.com/Message_files/nuc_vis_building.gif” width=153 border=0 NOSEND=“1”>
<i>After exposure to radiation it is important to consider that you may have mutated to gigantic dimensions: watch your head.</i>
hahaha- this one is golden
<div align=‘center’>
<i>If you spot a terrorist arrow, pin it against the wall with your shoulder.</i></div>
that was funny!
I didnt find many of these funny, i found them more to be… creative
humour is a strange thing. Somthing one person can find extreamly funny - another wouldnt find it a bit amusing.
Guess that’s why there are so my different types out there.
I personally laugh at almost everything - doesnt matter if it’s dry, in your face, sarcastic, whatever kind of comedy - I love it all
njs: That was my favorite one too
SureShot: Exactly, not everyones sense of humour is the same, but if it were that wouldn’t be very fun