Hello Everyone!
I’d like to start off with introducing myself. My name is Leendert, a 21 year old creative mind living on this amazing planet you seem to live on too. Born and currently living in The Netherlands (Europe). As I’m not a native speaker I hope my grammar and overall english is put down professional. Got back into pixelart recently with this new game concept I got in mind. Its been about 7 maybe 8 years. In between I’ve been doing alot of electronic music wich also will come in handy for the project (sound effects, theme music or perhaps even ingame music)
So recently I’ve started working on a game concept that I just couldnt get out of my head: A mech multiplayer flash game. Reasons for flash is because its relatively easy for most computers to be able to run it. Havent really seen too much mech games out lately, yet theres quite some art being made with mechs in them. And because playing games on your own against NPC’s is boring, it better be online… right?!
So after playing around with the concept for a while now I realised doing this all on my own is probably not gonna happen so I hope to gather a small team of people that like to work on their portfolio, work on something thats fun to do and to eventually perhaps earn some money. Who knows? For now I’d like to keep the project as a non profit and see how things end up to. Remember if you create something you will own the rights unless there has been paid for.
The main game concept is rather small, but theres a ton of possibilities to expand it later on.
The basic concept:
- Have mechs that can walk around in a “main” lobby, where they can show off their cool mech or look for a fight.
- Have a room with teleporters to go towards the battle zone. Here you can decide what kind of battle you want to do or who you want to be up against. If a player seems too much to take on to, and his ranking is way beyond your level you could just decline.
- The actual battle room.
From here it could expand into a world with a few continents, of wich each continent has its own claimable bases. If you own multiple bases, you can get things to defend them aswell as have a teleporter to warp in between. If you look at commercial succes such a expansion could probably pay off. There can be decided weither it would be a small pay to play fee or to go for special module and equipment that can be bought by using real money.
Possibilities if you would go for pay to play are to have bases generate income for materials one way or another. With these, a base could produce these materials into parts or modules. Wich makes conquering bases and forming (new) alliances a must. You would be able to set a reinforce timer to defend as comming back online to see you’ve lost it all isnt cool at all.
Anyway, thats a future vision way out to what it could possibly be and for now shouldnt be worried about. I did want to mention a possibility to expand onto larger scale to show the concepts potention.
What am I looking for to add onto the META4 team?
Someone with the knowledge of Flash Actionscript. The best would be to have knowledge of Java, Visual Basic or C++ to create the server too, but perhaps this could be a side job for another team member.
One or two pixel artists who will work together with me on creating and finishing game art and website design. Remember that this game is in the isometric perspective so you need to be able to create this type of art (and able to match the design style wich currently is being developed).
Please PM or reply to this thread incase you are interested in working on the META4 game project.
If I find more team members I will put up the website to get things started for real.
Heres a artwork preview of the eight angles of a base mech sprite that I’m creating (WIP)!