New Metal Interface

I made this recently and i am probablly going to use it on my website as an interface i dont know though do you think it’s pleasing to the eye? do you think it’s a mess?


I think i like it my self and i am working on other components for the flash website.


it looks pretty good, but it is kind of blurry and small… not leaving much room for content

of course if you just shrank the image forget everything i said:beam:

:trout: to you :smiley:

I shrank it and it came out kinda blurry in reality it’s very crisp and clean :). Just wondering were other content can sprout from.

i.e. some page bars appear from somewhere my inspiration is electron geek ;).

:trout: sorry for mah stupidity

looks cool, make those shapes rotate, and add a slighlty better metal look (ie rays of reflected light across- do you see what i mean)

hahah so this is why you were asking about my Gun Metal layout. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s a nice start, but it still needs a bit more cleaning up. As of right now it looks too Photoshop like.

I’ll add the lighting effects next and will scribble down some rough movement layouts which you guys can help me with ;).

As for the too much photoshop element how can i make it look non photshop?

The one on your website still looks abit photoshoppy i like it i just gotta find a better metal than that slanted grey wood. It’s really cheap.

I was also wondering about scratches and my rivets dont look to real so i’ll work on them :D.

Any more input apreciated.

The only thing on my layout that was done in photoshop is the color tint, other than that, everything is C4D.

maybe you could have the front section slide down and the back section have the content in the middle:)

sound hard but if you split it into 2 images it would be a peice of piss