Nope, its a current misconception due to TV shows, but motive is minor. Who know what the motive was, its irrelevant, if the person commied the crime, and they can prove it, motive is not necessairy at all. It helps, it always does, but if they have concrete proof, motive is unaiccessiary.
motive usually only curves the sentence one way or another.
He killed his wife because she cheated on him (motive) will not have the same impact as he killed his wife because she had a gun in his hand and she threatened to kill him, the dog and herself (other motive).
i like most others am definitely for anything that uncovers the lies & evil of the US government. but at the same time, i think micheal moore is a propagandist and a moron. he is also making a killing off his so called ‘documentaries’. hmmm… :-/
Who was that guy that wrote about the Contras being funded by drugs and the CIA? He made good arguments, and questioned the government with facts and told people about it. Michael Moore doesn’t make documentaries though. He makes CAMPAIGN ADS.
It is propaganda… (remeber, propaganda dosent mean Moore is lying), just about any Liberal will tell you its propaganda, but its informative propaganda.
indeed, propaganda is not always bad…
Ethymologically (??) speaking, it comes from congregatio de propaganda (latin) which means to “spead the faith” (ie: christian faith in the days). But now, it’s been outstretched to act on the opinion to have them believe certain political and social ideas (ideals?), to support a government, a political party or one representative thereof, and by extension, to praise the merits of a theory, an idea, or a person, to get support. [edit: loosely translated from a fine French dictionary]
It’s been seen as degrading because people want to be able (though are not always capable) to think on their own and have their own ideas. Yeah right, as if that’d happen one day, when no one will behave like the sheeps we’ve all become.
it is propaganda but we overlook one thing. we would all love to have the time to spend probing our governments and culture as Moore does. but we have jobs and lives!!!
hence i try to think of him as if he were a gossiping friend and take him no more seriously. my mum is always saying the country is going to the dogs…at leat Bush dedicates his life to DOING not MOANING like Moore…
hence i try to think of him as if he were a gossiping friend and take him no more seriously. my mum is always saying the country is going to the dogs…at leat Bush dedicates his life to DOING not MOANING like Moore…
Its a bit diffrent when you live in a country and realize that, umm… well, I’m terrified of G.W. Bush. And Moore is good at spreading the message, he is not a politician, or even great at arguments, he is just a great movie-maker. I don’t think anyone can despute that, he is good at sending his message accross.
While I do think Moore is an arse, he is great at what he does and if it helps to get G.W. out of office, so be it.
And as propoganda as his film was, it did have some very interesting facts.