Go check it out September 28th! :thumb:
About time something like this comes out
Who’s to say that this isn’t just as big a pack of lies as they say Farenheight 911 is?
Is it going to be an actual movie?
Yeah, in selective theaters.
Sorry if a movies is coming out based on the other side. Didn’t know the theaters could only place one side and not he other. Who’s to say aliens don’t exist? Don’t worry about it so much until you see it.
I probably won’t see it. It’s unlikely to be shown in Northern Ireland.
Great URL. :lol:
They guy that is making it (Dick Morris) was a form Bill Clinton advisor.
These politicians eh?
There’s some pretty nasty footage in there… ;(
I still havent seen F9-11… I think Moore is too one sided so I try to aviod him, but now I would love to see both so I can get different views on the whole thing and make my own decision. Cool, Im looking forward to it.
Cool - Farenhype has Zel Miller and Ann Coulter, so we can be sure that these movies will not contain any political bias… ::rolls eyes::
Fighting Bias with Bias… only in America :sigh:
I would like to see these movies, to see if the arguement extends beyond showing WTC impact footage with audio of michael moore saying, ‘there is no terrorist threat’ (although this is kinda of funny to see his own underhanded editing techniques used against him)
either way, these films ought to be quite amusing…