Was “Gangs of New York” based on actual events ?
The solders came in shooting people and they bombed people from off shore.
If you go up against the government now and with the weapons they have at there disposal something tells me no amount of guns are going to help you.
The only arrogant psychotic delusional moron to want to go up against the US government lost twice.
Sadam had an army, tanks, planes, missiles and once the government “popped a can of whip arse” he didn’t last long.
So are you telling me a bunch of un organized civilians with hand guns and machine guns are going to over power the government should it go a stray ?
I don’t think , so the only other reason to have a gun in a city is to defend yourself. If every Tom Dick and Harry didn’t have a gun then you wouldn’t need one either.
Shooting death statistics (approx 2003)
Australia, 65 deaths 19,731,984 population
U.S.A, 11,127 deaths 290,342,554 population
= 1 in 303,569 Australians killed by guns per year
= 1 in 26,093 Americans killed by guns per year
But you’re right, it’s your constitutional right to have a death rate 10x times higher than a country with gun laws.
I mean with those figures if you brought in gun control you might save one thousand one hundred lives a year !
But then why save all those 1100 lives a year when one day the government might…. might…… attack its own people. Not that you could stop them.
Sorry, it just don’t cut it in my eyes.
With that said, we are getting away from the facts of Bowling For Columbine.
That’s alright; this thread is titled Michael More so I think gun control is relevant to him.
And the thread died a month ago anyway.