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What i would like you to watch:
- Lay-out
- Things you are missing on this website content-wise
I would like you to check
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nice job coding man:D
design really needs some extra work, you could replace those links with button(meaning flash or ps buttons) that picture in the left hand bottom-corner with stripes, i didn’t like it much try taking those stripes off and just leave it the way its suppose to be:/
everything else seems to ok:)
That is excellent one small thing is the roolover effects on the images (you know the fade in one), it works on the images at the sides, but on the splash page the rollover looks really bad probs because it is such a big image.
*Originally posted by superman ii *
**That is excellent one small thing is the roolover effects on the images (you know the fade in one), it works on the images at the sides, but on the splash page the rollover looks really bad probs because it is such a big image. **
oh that’s strange, even on this old-*** pc it worx fine…
P3 500mhz, 256MB SRDRAM (pc133), 8mb voodoo-3
hehe, so i thought it would be smooth on all pc’s :-\
I think your site is quite bland, add a bit of colout to make it a little more upbeat. Credit it where its due though you’ve used some powerful php scripts.
Good work.
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