Might be finished tonight

…or not…but should be online on wednesday…so any suggestions are welcome

(itworks know that crap allready…so he’s not suppposed to read that thread):beam:


WOW that’s a really nice site!!!
It’s a bit slow. fast loading…though
but You shoud and try to make the Picture in your menu and banner smaller some how. because there not running smoothly. on my PC. And i am not one to brag but my pc is really fast. i am running UT 2003 at a reso. of 1600/1400 and then at all quality high.

But i like it. I has a howl mistic feel. and i reallt like the start banner. NICE WORK!!! :slight_smile:

i agree. i really like the grungy, nature type feel to it. do you plan on making a version in English? and your preloader was cool too.

*Originally posted by deepcode *
**…or not…but should be online on wednesday…so any suggestions are welcome

(itworks know that crap allready…so he’s not suppposed to read that thread):beam:

stz **

itworks ?!?! is that me :cool: ?!?!

don’t understand what you mean

btw what ever happened to that beautiful fairy in the splash page?! i love this site but even if i didn’t, the fact that it has Angelina Jolie on it is enough for me :love:

Even though I have no idea what your site is about… I think its really nice. Cool effects. Cool Pictures. :crazy:

WOW! …i wish i could read it though.

wow (-:

Nice site man! :thumb:

lol i was like hey wait a minute???is that lara (jolie) you get props for that lol

but that site is for lack of a better word. beautiful. (im a grown man so watch it)lol

good work

I like the artistic dirty look to it, I like the way everything moves, I mean upper slide and left slide, maybe that’s why its a bit slow.

I think that fly is nice but its skipping on last frame, is just there is something extra on it, it would look much nicer if is animated faster.

Great man!
