Mine! -_-

Entry #1…thats if the link works? what? who?


hopefully it works…but you never know with this free crap :slight_smile:
tell me what you guys think

fine…since none of the 5 other people on the board want to reply to mine but to the one above mine i’ll do it formyself! lol jp…im bored and thinking of another intro

its good. thats 1st place!

Do you have the copyright for those picture?

one for sure and second one im waiting for an email but the guy seemed nice and said he always usually says yes and I dont think he will mind since its for something like this. But if he says no I’ll take it down and put in a new one

The visuals are very good. You should add audio to it. I was expecting some and didn’t get it…

I think you messed up on one of the textbox. Where it says “It does not matter.”

What does not matter?

If this is a mess-up then I am guessing you forgot to put the text box on multi-line.

Please reply to me because I want to know.

lol no its not a mess up…I was saying to the other one old young male female etc…it doesn’t matter …like it doesn’ matter you can still get aids…:-p because when the virus first came to the US they thought it was something only gay men got. I had to watch a video about the first known female in the usa to get aids

Ok, I was just wondering because it confused me.

,well anyways good job.

it looks good but I’m not diggin the blue.

:-p i like it

i just realized why i used the blue…its on their site >_<

i like it…but as neodreamer said some audio would improve it tons.

Okay, the pictures you are good to use, how about the fonts?

simple, clean and awsm! i like it…hope you win…:slight_smile: Cheers!

yep :slight_smile: this one’s really cool