Minority Report

Ok so I just watched the movie Minority Report (I saw it ages ago when it was out in the cinema, but thought i’d rent it).

I think the whole idea of pre-crime is totaly flawed. You can’t see something happen in the future, and then go and stop it from happening, it’s not logically possible. It works as a very confusing loop, I can’t quite explain it, but it makes sense in my head. Basically you would not be able to see an event taking place for you to stop in the future becuase viewing that event and attempting to make changes to it would be altering the whole situation…it just makes it an impossible loop.

The whole idea of time travel and ‘see into the past/future’ is mind-boggling, I confuse myself just thinking about it…

Oh and for those who have no idea what i’m talking about, Minority Report is about this thing called ‘pre-crime’, something that allows cops to see into the future and see crimes, so that they can stop them from happening.