
I went and saw this movie today.


Awesome retelling of a true American story about the 1980 USA Olympic Hockey Team’s “Miracle on Ice.”

This is up there with those legends such as “Hoosiers” and “Rudy” and the lesser known “Pistol Pete.”

I would recommend it if you like those awe-inspiring, epic sports-dramas.

It had you actually nervous and people in the theatre chanting:

" U! S! A!"

Great movie.

Miracle: Official Website

Well, the previews I saw on the television probably spoiled the ending for me. :sure:

This kinda reminds me of that classic, “The Mighty Ducks”

I admit … I almost cried at the end of the movie.

I had seen the game on ESPN Classics, and I was very impressed with the accuracy of it. They had goals scored in the same way, and the celebrations were accurate…

Russel did an excellent job of portraying Herb Brooks, and overall I was very impressed.

I wish they would have focused more on the play of Jim Craig in the Soviet matchup, but they did well still.

I saw the movie last night - saw it tonight, and I’m going to buy the DVD for sure.

Awesome movie

So you guys saw it over there in the USA now…

So…that’s only…about…
another 7,5 months before I get to see it here in Belgium :smiley:

i wanted to see it. I saw the perfect score instead, but i will have to go see this movie now. looked real good in the previews.

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**Well, the previews I saw on the television probably spoiled the ending for me. :sure:

This kinda reminds me of that classic, “The Mighty Ducks” **

Yeah, the previews really don’t do it justice. They make it come off as some teenie bopper romp with a cute Rizo. It is really accurate, and not too disneyed out. You should really go see it inspite of the ads.

DAMMMMNNN GOOD! I saw the sneak preview last week and loved how well in portrayed the game. Even non hockey friends of mine loved it. Russel might deserve an Oscar for how well he portrayed Brookes. Using thre real Al Michaels play-by-play really added emotion the game as the showed it.

I don’t know how the previews can ruin then ended of a game that took place 20 years ago, thats like saying you didn’t know how “Titanic” was going to end. :wink:

I thought it was a great movie. Even though i already knew the whole game, it was still very entertaining. Im really glad they wanted hockey players who could act rather than trying to teach big name actors how to play hockey. A review in a local paper said that there was too much politics in it, and i was like WHAT? The whole movie was hockey, in it’s most entertaining form.

and umm politics!?

this game helped save our Nation’s spirit at a time when politically we had little!

critics need to take a vacation or something…

It was a great movie, but truthfully, the movie studio was trying to cash in on the public attention the 1980 Olympic men’s hockey got from the 2002 SLC Olympics. Good movie none the less.

*Originally posted by Colin Campbell *
**It was a great movie, but truthfully, the movie studio was trying to cash in on the public attention the 1980 Olympic men’s hockey got from the 2002 SLC Olympics. Good movie none the less. **
I can’t believe you said that.

How do you know what the intensions of the studio were? The fact that Herb Brooks was involved with the making of the movie, and their emotional dedication of the movie to him at the end certainly doesn’t make a difference either, does it?

The 1980 US Olympic Men’s Hockey team never really had anything given to them for what they did other than that medal and those memories. This was a way to say, “Thank You,” to those men. It was more of a documentary than it was a movie.

It was a way to bring all those guys back together to meet each other again. A way for that ‘family’ who came together across those 7 months to share their accomplishments again.

Can you seriously sit there and tell me that without Salt Lake City and the success of US Mens hocket team there, that there would still be a movie based on the 1980 olympics, or at least this big of one? I can’t believe that, there was definitely a motive for profit. There always is. I’d like to believe that they made the movie to honour them, believe me, I play hockey, I know what its like to get honoured. But in all seriousness, there was something more: the motive for profit.

Man… I can’t even go there. This movie is up there with “Hoosiers,” “Rudy,” and “Pistol Pete.”

I’ve talked with people about the time, and they can’t stop talking about how important this was. They are so excited that a movie is finally out about it.

Let’s throw profit out the window and enjoy.

Well sure Colin … Nobody makes a movie they think isn’t going to bring in money

But to say that’s why they made it is crazy talk

What’s so special about this 1980 USA men’s hockey team? I’ve heard nothing about it, just curious.

There is a lot of history leading to the game. Essentially the Cold War climaxed in a battle on an ice rink in Lake Placcid in 1980. The Russians were litereally dominant force in hockey, taking the gold in the last four olympiads, and even the NHL all-stars of the time were getting destroyed by the Red Army team. The Russians were huge favorites over the US, and a group of unknown college kids beat one of the greatest teams ever to play the game.

Disney doesn’t even have to do anythign to the story, it’s already more perfect than any fiction.

This at a time, where Watergate had just happened, the Vietnam War, and then those hostages in Iran, among tons of other Cold-War related things…this 1980 USA Hockey team helped rekindle America…You can feel the electricity in the movie…the excerpt of Carter’s speech in the movie was AWESOME.

Remember when the Canadians won in Game 8 of an 8 game series in the “Summit Series” in 1972? Paul Henderson scored with less than a minute left to break the tie. Our whole country was shut down for that game, literally. It IS the best moment in sports history, yet I doubt some of you have never heard of it… why can’t we get a movie made of that? :frowning:

I agree with prstudio, this movie does rank high up there.

the thing with a bunch of sports movies is that they can get old (for example, theres so many low budget michael jordan movies out there and kiddie sports movies) and it’s a big risk, because if people want sports, a movie most of the time wont be the first place they look.