Moderator / Member Reshuffling

KirupaForum members,

As you may have noticed, the forums have been struggling here in Random. There have been a lot of “spam” posts lately, or posts of a questionable nature. Some members have been very vocal in their stance on both sides of the issue. It has also been raised that the leadership here isn’t balanced in terms of representing the community. While most of the mods agree that it’s a pretty fair existence here at Kirupa, we’ve decided to take what you have said in good measure. So we have decided to open up 2 moderator spots starting at the end of the month. Unlike in the past where the mods have picked the moderator without any input from the members of the forum, this time we will be picking from your applications. A lot of you are great members and spend a lot of time helping people out outside of the flash and design sections.

If you think you have what it takes we want you to go to the link below and fill out the form. I’m going to warn you we added a small essay portion to the application. We understand not everyone is the best writer, but we feel those who want to really be a moderator will take time to let us know why. Submitting an application doesn’t guarantee you a position; that is still up to us. This let’s you all have more of a say in who the moderators will be. The new moderator’s main job on the forum will be to help moderate “Random” and it’s sub categories with job roles extending into the “Showcase and Critiques” area and ultimately helping out from time to time with the “Job Offer” sections.

While with every moderator position we look for extensive skills in one of the areas this forum addresses, these two positions will be more of a “Member Resource” theme. Meaning that they will rely more on their people skills than say their flash skills.

We will be screening the applicants over the next couple of days and will post up the results shortly thereafter. We hope that this will help you all lead a more relaxed life here on the forums, and will ultimately help us out as well.

**The application is here: **

-KirupaForum Moderators