Well, like I promised, the new forums are online and almost ready to go. As you can tell, the design is quite primitive (default), and I will slowly update all the various features of it in the next few days to make it look/feel like the current board!\r\rThe URL is: www.kirupaforum.com\r\rFeel free to look around, but don’t blame me if the posts get deleted during an administrative overhaul \r\rCheers,\rKirupa
Way a lot cool Kirupa! This looks like quite an upgrade…And this is actually going to cost you less than EZ boards? \r\rpj\r:p
Do I still get to be a moderator???
Hey Dan!\rOf course All of our current moderators will continue to become moderators in the new board haha. Being a moderator is like being a Supreme Court Justice; you are in it for life, and even if the building moves down a few blocks, you still get to be chief haha.\r\rCheers,\rKirupa
Oooh… can I be a mod… or is that just a scary thought? Like giving a flame-thrower to a obnoxious 4-year old?
hey Ren,\rI think you have been here long enough and helped tremendously in Site Check and Cool Sites forums. With Pom out of the way, I think you can fill his shoes permanently (shh…don’t tell Pom about it haha) I’ll find out how to assign mods and set you up as one \r\r"If Phil can become a mod, anybody can" j/k Phil!\r\rCheers!\rKirupa
sniffle\r\r Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\r\rpj\r
haha, nice use of the smiley chars phil haha!