Modifying movie height from top not bottom?

How can I shorten my movie from 300 to 240 pixels by taking the 60 pixels off from the TOP instead of the bottom of the frame?

I have the movie already built with many objects and if I could only shorten the height from the top I wouldn’t have to move everything up one by one. Is this possible?

Thanks… Jon

Nope, sorry. The only way to modify the canvas sizes is through the document settings. And that resizes for the right and bottom (I believe).

That annoys me too.

you don’t have to move everything one by one though.
under the timeline, the button with two overlapping blue squares is edit multiple frames, you use that to select all of the frames, which should then be displayed on the stage at the same time. drag around all of the items on stage and move them all at once.

I learned something new today :slight_smile:

Thanks lego.

hey me too! i never realized that’s what that was for. man, that
would have saved me so much time if I had known…oh well.

thanks for the tip legoman! =)

np guys, I discovered it by accident trying to help someone once. it is useful though.

hahah wow!! thanks Lego, I didn’t know about that either. :stuck_out_tongue:

what the! ahha…way to go Lego, i never knew about that. You da man, you da man. (But only for now, tomorrow it will be my turn)