I have created a dynamic text box and attached the default UIscroll bar from the components library in CS4.
I have attached it to the text box and it works ok.
When i drop it onto my page it appears white (my background is black). When I preview it does what it is supposed to. So far so good. NO! The default Scroll bar is hideous. I want to change it but I cannot figure out how to.
I have tried double clicking it but it cannot be edited. Is this an action Script thing?
I have recreated it in another flash document with the text box and the scroll bar which I have attached called ‘scroller with text’.I have double cliked the scroll bar and changed it to how I want it and it works, i know how to but its not in my main flash file i am working from!
I have saved the one Ire-created one as a SWF and tried importing it but it has errors on it. see attached ‘MAIN_Menupage’.
This is such a simple thing to do but it will not work. Its driving me MENTAL.
I have been through all the tutorials on this website and cannot get this to work.