Mods Profile

bans lost :angry:

Who is next!!!

(Didnā€™t really ban lost, but I will ban you!) :evil:

No, i donā€™t really careā€¦ Iā€™ts just that my connection here at work runs at about 32kā€¦ and i like to run with everything turned off while iā€™m hereā€¦ Jeez, never get out of the boatā€¦ j/k:)

Iā€™m really not upsetā€¦

Iā€™m just curious as to the reasons is allā€¦

I didnā€™t think a 7k dl would affect anyoneā€¦

but I see where it would make a diff if all mods had them, and posted on one threadā€¦


now iā€™m worried, iā€™ve heard telekinesis has an itchy trigger fingerā€¦

lol, just noticed he resized itā€¦

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**but I see where it would make a diff if all mods had them, and posted on one threadā€¦

Rev **
You really shouldnā€™t have suggested that, you knowā€¦ :wink:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Then again, this is solely my opinion, and is not the opinions of the management or any of its subsidiaries. No reproduction of this post is permitted without the express written consent of the Professional Gerbel Wrestlers Association (the PGWA).

lol!! You sould like like a car insurance advert :P:P

  • Soul :s:

Rev you are too ā€œlegalā€! lol :beam:

i did that for an AIM away message lol. it was funnyā€¦ no one understood it.

IT never was anyoing me i was just wondering what was up with the crazy profiles.

Look what you started sintax - geesh, never know when to keep your mouth shut :slight_smile: hehehhe

I just wanted to know if HTML was usable in the profiles is all:(

I can give you a custom title with HTML, but you have to tell me what you want and I will do it for you in the mod panel.

I find it more annoying ā€œsomeā€ mods changing their names all the time, howā€™s anyone sā€™posed to know whoā€™s replied to their post & if itā€™s still the same person now?..
just mhoā€¦

I only changed my name once, about 3-4 months ago from dan4885 to this one, I didnā€™t think it was such a big deal, everyone knew I switched names. I know what you mean though, it takes me a while to realize who just posted with moderator status under a different name.

was more like ā€œkode orangeā€, lolā€¦

Yeah, I only changed my name once for like 5 minutes as a joke in the New Names thread yesterday.

It annoys me too. Unless it is changed for good, or at least a long while.

I think we should al lget to use Sigs and avaters like this forum has

LOL like casue iā€™m not here to chat and get help iā€™m here to look at 10mb worth of signatures and avaters. Thank kirupa for havign such sensable rules.

Wow, no wonder everyone hates how strict we are on footers. With the kind of freedon that forum gives you, they might as well have a desktop wallpaper contest in every thread.

Hawz man, I was planning on using my 1024x768 wallpaper as my new footerā€¦:frowning: There goes that idea :frowning:

I like how the one guy has 2 sigs in his signature. LOL