Just thought I would get you guys to check this out before i continue with the project.
So what do you think? Does it look like a monkey? I whiped it up this morning using the vertor tools in PS. Any comments would be great.
PS: Be honest;)
Just thought I would get you guys to check this out before i continue with the project.
So what do you think? Does it look like a monkey? I whiped it up this morning using the vertor tools in PS. Any comments would be great.
PS: Be honest;)
yeah, it looks like a monkey. and it looks good. But the only thing i would say about it is that the eyes and things arnt symetrical… i know its not the end of the world but i think it would look better if they were…
AND if they already are, my eyes a screwed… :-\
Umm… as of right now, they look symmetrical to me. It looks great… although I’m thinking it looks more along the lines of ape or gorilla. But that’s just me
No you are right the eyes arent’ lined up correctly. definatly will fix. Thanks for the comments and actual saying soemthing more then “Nice Work” or “it looks Nice”. Comments like that are great but constructive critasism helps a so much more.
*edit i think it is the nose that makes the eyes look off center becaue then sre not equal distance between the eyes.
Thanks for the comments Ren. At least I’m close then. Something close to a cartoon primate is all i need:P
yeah i just looked again and it is the nose…
and maybe lift the eyes up say one or two pixels because they seem to merge alittle with the black line of the nose/mouth area.
haha thats all, enough of my picky comments
Bizarre! Maybe it is the nose, but it doesn’t look assymetrical to me… just gives the appearance that his head is slightly rotated.
Thanks a lot you guys these are great comments.
Starpromo: Pick it apart all you want. Destroy it if you have to. I really don’t mind. I posted it so i could get feedback like that. So pick away:P
I finished the project. the thread for the finished idea is here
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