Stereo monkey!

Hi there, i am organising a local rock event in my home town of nuneaton, and this is the mini site im working on. Only two pages are up at the moment, but i was wondering what you guys think of the design. It is only basic, but i think it ill seve its purpose well.


well i suggest making those buttons a little more smaller.
they are to big!!

and i like the monkey, :tb: you draw it?

yeah, i drew the monkey looks proud
thanks for the button advice, i will make them smaller on my next update.
Any other problems? i dont mind what you say! i want this site to be as user friendly as possible…

the monkey is very cool :thumb:

apart from the buttons (which in all fairness aren’t that bad), the only other thing I’d change was add a bit more contrast to the what page (and the others assuming they’ll all have the same style). What is mean is… give where the text is a light greay background or something to set it apart from the white background.


oh, and your guitar is a bit square :slight_smile:
not sure about the photoshop’ed background either

some afterthoughts :slight_smile:

i’d kindly suggest giving a meaningfull title than “Untitled Document” :wink:

the monkey isnt cut out properly… it shouldnt be white between the 'phones and his head.

Other than that, it looks good… except for the wall.

heh heh, cheers guys. I totally agree about the photoshop issues. The guitar is square and the monkey really isn’t cut out properly. I’ve only just got photoshop, so i’m still getting used to it. When I’ve got time i will sit down and do it properly, because to be honest i did rush the images a bit just to see what the site would look like.

I like the idea of using light grey behind the main body of the page (the text). I never thought of that, and it is an excellent idea.

Has anyone got any button ideas? I did these quickly and never really put much thought into them so i could use some ideas.

Thanks again for all he friendly advice, its really appreciated :beam:

the JPEG quality needs to be taken up to 100 :slight_smile:

it might be just me - but I hate the photoshop ‘plastic’ filter…

+, could you make the area between the monkey’s head and his earphones look like the backgrnd ?

worry not my friends! The main page picture is being replaced with FLASH! (oooh) and have decided to use some sampls from “system of a down” to accompany the intro. :slight_smile:

maybe the site is to dark. The monky will get more cool if you add some colors or funny stuff “animation” maybe “monky sound(s)”

The font is big. the background “with the boy kissing a girl” dos not fit the colors of your site.

the monkey who have headphones under it there is a text, stereo monky, its not that cool maybe make a shadow under it.

I think thats all…
but nice stuff (-: