Yay? or nay...?

i seem to be spending a lot of time choosing a theme for my portfolio…so im going against the grain…

any thoughts? does it make you want to vomit or catch your interest?

thanks, Billy

I believe the former as opposed to the latter. The monkey doesn’t fit with the text and grey/red part. Sorry, but I’m going to have to say “thumbs down”. Mind you, the red grey would look nice on there own, with maybe some sort of clean vector banana logo. But maybe it’s just me.

nay for me. It hurts the eyes, red is too bright and blending doesn’t fit well. The background image isn’t that goo either.

nay…you know what would be cool. Is find or create a vector Chinese style monkey, like those symbolic ones. I like the red and the shape, the monkey blows tho.

My chinese friend said make your own…He would take offense to a misuse of a traditional symbolic monkey. So others may too. But I still think it would be a good idea to use that style of monkey.

On my monitor here that red hurts my eyes. I’d spend about 3 seconds on your site before being forced to leave. I’d mellow it out a bit - darken it up or something. :cool:

Love the chinese character animal drawing idea though :thumb:

another idea and then I will leave you alone. For some reason the name of your studio put me in the mind of an old Bruce Lee movie. Like enter the dragon. Maybe look there for some inspiration. I think the red is a good base color, But lunatic is right deepen it a bit.

thanks for the c&c so far…

i deepened the red and lost the monkey… did a vector banana…

cud you post a pic of the chinese monkey thing you are tlaking about??

thanks :slight_smile:

something like this??

yea, (the banana stinks IMO)…Find a way to do some typography with the monkey, maybe make it your logo.

ok…thanks i suck with ps but ill give it a go!

Hmm tricky one the banana is definatly a step in the right direction IMO but maybe do something with the monkey maybe make the monkey look like hes painting with a banana?
also the colors clash quite a bit

but good luck :hugegrin:

post some more developments


hmn, not too sure bout the colours…altho my screen is actually naff fer pickin up colours.
I like the banana on top of the type, i personally reckon u should get rid of the monkey illus but keep everything else the same…i think that would look neat.

Bright light! Bright light! Yaaaargh my eyes! :huh:

Tone down the red please or I can’t view this thread any longer! :stuck_out_tongue:

to me there is too much going on with so much negative space. I say lose the banana. Typo a big version of the monkey into the bgrd. The have a small version next to the title. Right now it is real unbalanced, but you are getting there.


Did you draw that? That’s pretty cool. If you can animate it at all it would be awesome to see a kick whenever one clicks one of the buttons. :thumb:

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=-4]and wouldn’t it look great against a nice deep red background?[/SIZE][/COLOR] :beam:

ha ha lunatic…i like the kick idea!! i want the monkey to wink too!!!

Nay… layout ok… but you definately CAN NOT use that monkey as your logo as it is clipart. As for the karate dude… if you make it more of an original character… like put like a west coast graffiti look… that would be very cool IMO. Banana needs to go though… looks kinda quirky and childish.

I would also blend the karate dude as so he is not the focus (typography) do as Sim said make an original character and for Christ sake lose the banana…lol. You are getting there. This version has much more balance.