More on preloaders

Okay guys and gals, can anyone answer this one for me??

Do I put the preloader for the external swfs in the swf’s themselves, or do I put them in my main movie???

I need help with this kinda fast…anyone??

A preloader movie that loads your header, footer, and your contents, is the best way i guess.

something i had just done:

_global.preload = function(swfFile, depth, x, y) {
	mcName = swfFile.substring(swfFile.lastIndexOf("."), 0);
	_root.createEmptyMovieClip(mcName, depth);
	_root[mcName]._visible = false;
	_root[mcName]._x = x;
	_root[mcName]._y = y;
	loadMovie(swfFile, _root[mcName]);
	checkProgress = function () {
		if (_root[mcName].getBytesLoaded() == _root[mcName].getBytesTotal()) {
			_root[mcName]._visible = true;
	myInterval = setInterval(checkProgress, 10);
/* Usage
preload("test.swf", 2, 200, 200);
preload("test1.swf", 3, 30, 20);
preload("test2.swf", 4, 150, 160);