Most Simple Scroll Bar

hi i was wondering whats the easiest scroll bar to make with static text, and you can add buttons. i just wnat an up arrow adn down arrow… no scroller if anyone knows the simplest to understnad please help me :wink:

If you want just buttons that scroll static text then take a look at this thread. You should use the search feature of this forum more often, a lot of your questions have been asked many times bofore.

Yes… Searching the forum definately gives you better and faster answer… I had simple sample done in F5… Check it out…

electrongeek… Can we have a check box which asks if the user did a search before posting the question and have user swear that he/she did the search… If the user exceeds certain number of violaion of this, we can ban them, maybe??? :beam: :evil:

hahah :beam:

Ok i cant seem to get the scroll bar enclosed to work, it wont load the files…

and i looked at that past forum and the scroll bar i dont know how to get teh buttons inside

it wont load the files…
I don’t know why…
i dont know how to get teh buttons inside
Create a button and drag and drop it to the stage from the library???