Motion Tween

Ok, what should be a simple task has been making me very angry. I want to create a simple, and I mean simple short animation. All I am doing is creating a stick figure, then I am making him fall down. Here is what I did…
I created a MC called StickMan. On frame 1 I drew my stick man. Then I go down 12 frames and draw him slipping. Then I go down 12 more and draw him on the ground. A very short and simple animation. Now I select all the frames and create a motion tween. However, when I do that, it makes all the frames look exactly like the first frame. What is the deal?

Could you post the source file please?

Are you doing a “frame by frame” animation? If so then theres no need for any tweens. Here’s a tutorial to what I’m talking about, I hope it helps. =)

It won’t work because (if I understand what you said correctly) you’re not working with symbols.

A motion tween will only work if you use symbols for each state, ie: to move something across the screen. But this won’t really give the illusion of a bloke falling down, it’s more for movement without the image itself changing.

You might instead have to use the shape tween option, and no symbols, which would give you a working animation. Or of course, you could do it frame by frame as shown above.

Can you explain the shape tween more? I would like to try it without going frame by frame.

I’m not sure a shape tween will work as it will just kind of morph one into the other and probably won’t end up with the animation you want. You could create each section of your stick man as an object and put them on seperate layers and tween each part individually, that may or may not work depending on how complicated the animation is.