Mouse events are permitted only for button instances

I have converted dynamic text to a button, and this is the message I get when I attempt to link it to something, where am i going wrong it puzzles me this does.


You are probably using a mouse event handler inside a frame in the main timeline. It should be applied on the button instance.

Thanks for pointing that out, I wondered what I was doing wrong as i did it before fine :).

Was it you I asked previously about having an empty movie clip and loading the two swf files I have inside that. As I tried this method with little success. I have just spend ages getting a form sorted, it can be difficult, I am sure you find all this way to easy. :slight_smile:

could you spare a few moments C, to help me with this loading mc ?

welcome :thumb:
Im not sure if you asked me about the other problem earlier… maybe you can point me the thread?

Ok Claudio, I will explain. I have almost completed my first flash movie for a school web site. Due to such a rush I have blasted through flash with little experience, so I feel I may have started off wrong. For there requirements its more of a re-direction page. with a home page and a contact us page. I have two files the first is the homepage and the send is a contact us page. so two swf files.

This may have been the wrong way to do it, as It is advised somewhere not to use scenes, How can I achieve displaying the two clips, if they are seperate files.

please please have a look at the contact us page and give comments for improvements. Its my first flash work. any comments would be really cool Claudio


Ok, you have 2 movies (contact and homepage). How are they going to interact? The “homepage” is the main movie? Do you want the contact to open on the same page?
I myself hate using scenes, i think they are too buggy. And you might want to read this tutorial:

And the contact page looks fine, really good for a first flash project :slight_smile:
That explains how to load external swf’s.

Well if there were no people like you helping there would be no flash site :). thanks again I will have a look at the link you gave me.

Thank you

I have the homepage. and included is a preloader. the same applies for the second page i.e contact. I am still not sure how they will interact !!! any ideas?

Do you plan on doing something similar to that link?
I mean, have a main page witha navigation and load the external swf’s into an empty movie clip?

Hi Claudio, I am beginning to look at the tutorial. My design however. I require a movie clip with nothing in it, rather than having buttons there to load the clips into afterwoods. I hope you follow, so basically I want an automatically load of my homepage.swf file or index.swf :slight_smile: - I hope this makes sense.


I guess that you want the index page to be the “homepage” movie. And them when you click “contact”, it should open in the same window.

thats it right. so I will have my html document with the flash in the centre. the preloader comes on and the homepage loads as normal, then when I click on my contact button it runs the preloader again and viola :slight_smile:

Inside “homepage”, use this code on the main timeline:[AS]contactbutton.onPress = function() {
loadMovieNum(“contactus.swf”, 0);
And on “contactus”:[AS]homepagebutton.onPress = function() {
loadMovieNum(“homepage.swf”, 0);

what about the holder movie? do you mean just place my home.swf inside the html and then use the action script. Is this the method to use, and did I make the mistake using seperate swf files for each page.?

You wont need a holder mc on this case.
You could have placed everytihng inside one swf, that was an option… but no problem.
Use that code and no holder mc.

ok C, thats good I will get it sorted and let you know when it is complete, maybe you could provide me with some finishing tweaks towards the end :slight_smile:

cheers again


K good luck

I have all this code in my button action script


buttonOne.onRollOver = function(){
OK1 = true;
buttonOne.onRollOut = function(){
OK1 = false;
effectOne.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (OK1) {
} else {


where is a good place to put the links in Claudio - too much code for my brain to handle :frowning:

thanks - I have not slept in days, beginning to feel the pressure now :slight_smile:


What buttonOne does?