I am trying to make a page where there are photos but they are cover by movie clips which fade away revealing the photos when the mouse is moved over them then the movie clips goes back to 100 percent alpha after the mouse moves away. I want to link each of these images to a different url but cant seem to get this to work. Any help would be appreciated.
is it just a matter of making an image link …transparent button…
or is the mouseover suppose to cause the url change…? or are the alfa fades not working?
i try using movie clips and having each instance have a different url link but they link to the url i put on the first instance. I tried transparent buttons but they make the movie clip screw up. I tried putting the movie clip as the over state of a button but then it wont fade back when you roll off. I dont know maybe what im trying to do is iimpossible without making separate movie clips for each image.
would it help if i give you my fla’s
“i try using movie clips and having each instance have a different url link but they link to the url i put on the first instance.”
I think what you did here is reuse the same buttons with the link already assigned, try relaoding all blank buttons on a button layer select them individually and add your url’s
“I tried putting the movie clip as the over state of a button but then it wont fade back when you roll off.”
in order for this to work your over state in what ever layer your using needs to be open… your movie clip should be in the up state and down state only