Hi I was just wondering how I would go about doing this. I’m making some shape tweens that I would like to activate when a specific button is clicked.
That’s about it right there I was wondering if I should create each shape tween in a movie clip or something like that. I’m a bit of a newbie to flash so if this problem doesn’t make any sense that’s why.
Oh and one other thing I have an opening that leads directly into my navigation. Now should I put this opening into a movie clip, or would it matter. Thanks.
Thanks that answered it perfectly, as for the opening I thought that putting it into a movie clip might organize things, but maybe not.
Anyway I have a second question I just remembered. I want the opening animation that becomes the Navigation to remain in a looped animation. I’ll explain what I mean.
I have an animation that goes on for about 20 or so seconds. At the end the last part of the whole thing is an egg shape that I want to remain, with it I want a sort of Fluctuating light effect to remain around the egg. Now how do I animate this light effect so that it just loops.
With my current comprehension of flash the only way I know I could do this would just animate the light effect in the timeline but this would eventually run out. Any thoughts?
what I would probably do is put the light animation inside a movieclip and have it appear on the main timeline when the egg appears. So I would probably place the light movieclip on a new layer above the egg layer, but keyframe it after the egg appears.