
#1. I was told that to make a shape tween out of nowhere it’s as simple as creating an MC doing the tween…then lowering the opacity on the MC by playng with the alpha settings. Once I do this…how do I get the MC to play (I want it to be an automatic event…without the user how to click on anything)…basically I just want it to happen when it’s time to play that certain event…how do I achieve this.

#2. Let’s say when you click on a button a MC opens and the transitions and what have you not appear…let’s say…it tweens a square into view…how do I set it up so when another button is clicked it then tweens out of view…and THEN the next MC happens and tweens into view…basically I want it to tween into view…then tween out into view when something else is clicked…and then I want the next section to tween into view afterwards…I hope I made sense…thanks in advance.

PS: The transitions on the T3 movie site are a good idea of what I’m talking about on question #2.


Is something like this you are talking about?

Yes, now if I can only have question #1 answered, I’ll be good to go :).

The shape tween will be a separated movie clip placed in the main timeline. Imagine you want it to only start playing on frame 30 of main timeline. First you have to open your shape tween mc and add a stop action on its first frame. Then on frame 30 of your main movie timeline set this action: [AS]_root.shapetween_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);[/AS]

Thanks I appreciate it.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: