I am a new FMX user, I’ve created a movie clip that i want to play at the beginning of a scene then to move onto the next frames, however I cant get it to progress, what am I doing wrong?
I’ve tried putting actions into the movie itself so when it reaches the last frame it goes forwards but it still doesn’t work! Can any one help me?
Do you have a stop acton on your main timeline?
Here’s what I would do if I’m understanding your correctly.
On you main timeline, have 2 layers. One for actions, the other for your MC.
On the actions layer, insert the action
Then on your 2nd layer, drop your MC.
Within your MC, as the end of your animation, put a
goToAndPlay then assign if your frame number, label or whatever that you want it to go to.
If you bouncing between scenes, you can only do that by using labels.