Movie Controls, rewind, fwd etc?


Im having problems making a movie controller. I want vcr style controls play, pause, stop, fast forward & rewind.

Ive done the 1st three no problem, but Im having problems with the rewind and forward buttons.

I have the flv in a separate mc called WBR and need the buttons wind & fwd, on mouse down to rewind the mc/make it go forward, speeding up the longer the buttons are held down.

Ive searched loads of tutorials & cant seem to get the code right!

Please help someone! :slight_smile:

Its OK! Dont all rush at once! :wink: I figured it out myself - what a clever bunny I am! :bu:

Just in case anyone wonders what I did…


draw gfx & press f8 to make into a button

add the following code…

on (press) {
    pressing = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
  	pressing = false;;


Press f8 and turn button into mc.

Make mc timeline 3 frames long, a keyframe at each end.

In keyframe 1 I put…

pressing = false;

In keyframe 3 I put…

if (pressing == true) {
            // add more prevFrame() commands
            // to rewind quicker
         gotoAndPlay (2);

And it works perfectly! For fast forward, place a new instance of the button on the stage and repeat step 2, exchanging prevFrame for nextFrame.

Looks like you were smarter than you thought. Good job :slight_smile:

Thanks for leaving the code you used here, this way people searching for such a tool won’t see your topic on the search results and find only a question.

Yeah, I hate that when you search for something, find a good thread & it doesnt say how they did it! :slight_smile:

There is a lot of more info in Macromedia Live Docs, about controling video object in flash :wink: