Movie Loading Layers / Button Functionality

how do you get buttons to lose their functionality once a new movie is loaded? I’m having trouble, I have a movieclip (with buttons) and when pressed, and new movie loads over the top of them - but the buttons in the movie underneath still have their functionality - how do i remove this so that only the top (visible layer) retains functionality?

any help appreciated :]

You can make it go away using the visible property by applying a action like this to your movieclip:

on (release) {
	_visible = false;

hang on, /me is confused - what do I apply the action to? The movie clip that I want to lose functionality over, the one I want to keep functionality? or the button? :confused:

Ok I didn’t read your question carefully, so in your situation, you can do this…

First give your movie clip that holds the buttons an instance name of something like “box”

Next, on each button inside the movieclip, apply this action to the button:

on (release) { = false;

So now everytime the button is pressed, the movieclip that holds the button would dissappear. I hope that is more clear for you. =)

ok, i still can’t get it to work - could someone look at the fla please? I want the portfolio_main as the bkgd - when you click on the ‘web design’ button, the port_web movie loads over it, partially covering a bit of portfolio_main, thats all fine and dandy. however, when I click the ‘’ button, colourpatrol.swf loads over port_web.swf - but I want port_web to lose its functionality when that happens - atm the colourpatrol button retains functionality.

thnx for any help!



wow, thanks a lot!
I’ll let you know when the whole thing is finished :]

no problem asphaltcowboy :slight_smile: