Movie running very(!) slowly

I designed this site but it runs like pants :frowning:

I have gone nowhere near overboard on graphics and effects, literally what you see is all that’s there. The main thing (but isn’t causing much slowdown) is most of the text loads from XML, however it was slow before-hand too.

The URL’s for the work are :

Flash 8 build, AS 2.0, 12fps

Flash mx 2004 build, AS 1.0, 24fps

All i’ve used is a few sweeping graphics and some alpha’s…I dont understand why it looks so bad when it goes up on the web. I assume it’s becuase I am using embedded jpegs and having alpha layers over them that’s causing the slowdown when online?

In Firefox, IE and Netscape it looks sorta OK, however in Opera the slowdown really kicks in.

Is there anything I can do to combat this? As you can tell it’s for a client, and I feel embarrassed leaving in its current state.

Any tips would be appreciated, any questions please ask, i’ll be sure to respond quickly.

Thanks in advance,