hi, im wanting to retain a certain swf movie size, which prevents the user from enlarging it. mi movie now is 500x300 pixelz now. i want it 2 stay this size wen itz loaded off tha index page. any ideas
The method that example site uses is called JavaScript… They use JavaScript to open a new window, when Enter button is pressed, in a fixed size with no additional features of the window such as menubar, scrollbar, resize button and such…
You could do the samething by using the JavaScript’s window.open() method… Here is what you need to do… Go back to that site where it says ENTER at the bottom… Do the view source of the page from your web browser… (View-Source in IE6) and see the codes in there… There is a JavaScript function called ‘centerPopup()’ which goes like…
function centerPopUp(theURL,winName) {
features ='status=no, resizable=no, scrollbars=no ,width=760,height=500';
var left = (screen.width-760)/2;
var top = (screen.height-500)/2;
and that’s been used like this…
<a href="fond.html" onClick="centerPopUp('flash.html','')" >
So… Read over the source code and open up your JavaScript book to read and understand what’s in the code… =)
thanx man datz real useful :)i didnt know java was involved
No problem… It’s not Java though… Java and JavaScript are two different things… =)