Movieclip onRollOver and onPress confusion

The complexity of this problem baffles me to no end. Looks simple enough but I don’t know why it just won’t work.

I have a movieclip that would act as button. Inside the movieclip, I have labeled frames for the up and down states (“gray” and “red”, respectively). However, when press on the movieclip, I want it to go to “press” frame and stay on “press”, until I rollover it, then it goes back to “gray”.

The rollover/rollout functions work, the press function does not. When my mouse leaves the mc, it goes back to it’s gray state, because I also have a rollover function going on. Is there anyway to control this?

This is my code, attached is the fla. Appreciate any help!

mc1.onRollOver = function() {
mc1.onRollOut = function() {
mc1.onPress = function() {