Moving menu nightmare!

Hi, I have a menu system for my site I made roughly following this tutorial:

The problem is, when I specify where the background movie should start (which would be where it moves to when you click home) it moves off to the same place as soon as the movie is loaded…
goto to see what I mean…
When home is clicked, it goes to the right place… And I can see the movie is loading in the right place, but then it promptly moves off to the side, but if you click on home again, it moves straight back and stays there, as it should…

Please, any ideas would be much appreciated!!!


code or fla ? :slight_smile:

hmm … the fla. it would be easier than recreating the whole thing :wink:

ok, flash now up at

It makesa no sense!!!

sorry what do you mean it moves off the side? it looks fine to me…:-\

I don’t have flash installed here. Can you post your code?

declare the value of endX and endY when the movie clip is loaded

onClipEvent (load) {
	endX = 1600;
	endY = 350;


Thankyou kax!! :stuck_out_tongue:

As almost always, it’s something pretty simple…but nevertheless it has me stressing for a couple of days…

and thanks to the others who posted…!


no problem jason =)