this is something i was working on today… (homesick from school!) i made the typography myself and the other stuff in max… and then just detail in photoshop.
click here
The typography is nice, but the colors are too feminine for my taste. Nice job though. =)
Wow, elektron turned red ;p
I like it, its really full. And I have the same opinion about the colors ;D
hey! thats sick…but it is a bit :flower: for me…
hey! wassup with u guys and pink?<font size=1>still remembering the thread where my wallpaper was femanine to lost too</font>
pink is cool:crazy:
i like the image…pretty colours and image in the background there
however the typo in the top-left seems a little too boxed up…perhaps lower the alpha to blend it in?
pink owns.
Cant go wrong with purple and pink
i was messing with it… i changed the colors… it looks a lot better i think… it looks a little more suttle i think.
You should leave the first link going to the first piece and add another link for each change. That way people that havent read this thread from the begining can understand wtf is going on. Catch my drift
Just thought I would say…
Anyway, great piece. You have a lot of tallent with 3DS max. How long have you been playing around with it?
i got it in december.