MP3... again

Got it playing… amazing how things won’t work when you mistype the source… sheesh! Now I’m having trouble with the song catching the stream. How do increase the buffer zone?


itemPicked=function() {
_parent.mp3Player.myConditionText = “loading…”;
//an item has been selected:
//insert the data value in the box into the text box
var myVal=myList.getSelectedItem().data;
dotIndex = myVal.indexOf(".");
myXml = myVal.subString(0, dotIndex);
_root.xmlFile = myXml + “.xml”;
_root.pList = myList.getSelectedIndex();
if (_root.startIndex == 0) {
//trace(“creating new sound obj”);
_root.s = new Sound();
_root.s.loadSound(myVal, true);
} else {
//trace("_root.startIndex is " + _root.startIndex);

Set your

_soundbuftime = 10;

but where?

I believe _soundbuftime is a global variable. When I built my mp3 player I built it as a component and put all the code for the player in one frame. I put the _soundbuftime variable at the top of the code. I put a loop to check if the playing time had caught up to the streaming time. If it had I increased the _soundbuftime. The _soundbuftime defaults to a value of 5.