MP3 or songs in flash

How to make a 4MB mp3 song into flash which load faster on the website? is it we must change the format of the mp3 to the other format?

plus how about loading the file how to make certain or any file in flash website to be load when it needed only?

can somebody help me? how to view my flash footer or signature here?

Hi there,

Listen, MP3 is the music format most use on the net!
That´s because it´s a compress file , and with the right software you
can make it small with quality…

About your other question,
Check this link :

There you will find everything about MP3 and Flash.

You could also try to get ahold of mp3pro and convert the mp3.

I use it with my pocketpc and I can store 1 cd on 32mb in good quality. :geek:

na you should be loading xternal sounds

This might be a dummy question, but how do you download the MP3 file from
I have no problem download its .WAV or Flashtrak (it has 3 file versions), but when I click the .MP3, it will open the browser window with QuickTime sign and gray playing bar??? How do I work around that to download the MP3?

lmao right click + save target as…

as for your signature here’s what to post in your profile

<embed src= height=60 width=300 type=application/x-shockwave-flash>

change the values - and height and width shouldnt be larger than the values mentioned

How do you loop(or repeat) externally loaded MP3 sound? I thought it’s:
mysound.start (0,999);
but it does not loop at all.

yes that is the correct code, make sure your code looks like this:
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound(“yourSound.mp3”, true);

that is correct

Well, I made the fla with only One ON button and code for it:

mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound(“pianoland.mp3”, true);

I swear it does not repeat. What’s wrong?

Thanks for all of your help.

lol well I believe you man. i have to leave work now, why don’t you just post your fla in a zip file and I will look at it. I’m almost sure that’s the code to loop, unless when you stream it is different, but again, I have done this numerous times, without a problem. Post your fla and within the next 2 hours I wil be able to fix for you.

Thanks for looking over. Sometime I wonder if it’s MP3 itself turned off loop, but I simply downloaded from flashkit.

I was not allow to download because MP3 is too big, even zipped.

Just change my MP3 file name.


ok well first off i appologize… i did some research. here is what i found.

yeah, when you’re loading sound and set streaming to true, you can’t control the start properties or delay properties (or scrubbing)… it’s the disadvantage of using streaming sound… it starts to play as soon as it has the appropriate amount of info…

i’d have to say that that is pretty gay. anyway here is a code that will work
loopSound = function () {
mySound.loadSound(“test.mp3”, true);
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound(“test.mp3”, true);
mySound.onSoundComplete = loopSound;

however there is a gap between loops :frowning: cant seem to do anything about that. if you want your song to loop, I would suggest loading it via [AS] mySound.attachSound(“test.mp3”);[/AS] but that of course will make your .swf huge unless you have a small sound. i hope i have helped :slight_smile:

ok and if at worst case just make your sound fade out at the end, and fade in again to avoid that pause between loops

Thank you very much, Digitalosophy, for digging this out for me. It loops now. Guess I will find out how to do fade out fade in the sound.

no prob, if you get stuck let me know

Well, I did get stucked. I looked at Kenny Bellew’s tutorial and made up the following code (all put on first frame of main timeline), and no sound at all. Do not know what’s wrong:

mySound = new Sound();
mySoundVolume =0;

//fade in:
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (fadeIn01==1) {
mySoundVolume = mySoundVolume+2;
if (mySoundVolume>99) {

//fade out 5 sec. from the end of song
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
songDuration = _root.mySound.duration / 1000;
songPosition = _root.mySound.position / 1000;
fadeEnd = (songDuration-5);
if (fadeEnd <= songPosition && mySoundVolume>0 && playing==true) {
if (mySoundVolume<=1) {mySoundVolume=0}
mySoundVolume = mySoundVolume-1;



//“On” button:
btn_On.onRelease = function(){
loopSound = function () {
mySound.loadSound(“pianoland.mp3”, true);
mySound.loadSound(“pianoland.mp3”, true);
mySound.onSoundComplete = loopSound;

//“Off” button:
btn_Off.onRelease =function(){


wow okay i just got home give me a few and i will fix.