MP3-Player crazyness!

Nono, not embedded Flash MP3-Playback capabilities- I mean actual portable MP3-Players ^^;

I was just wondering what sort of MP3-players are “top of the crop” where you live (I live in Germany and am wondering about the world market)… of course Apple is pretty much “omnipresent” with their ipod series but what other models are well-known where you are? What are your players of choice?

The main reason is that I am currently looking for one. Heh. I am seeking input. I found several brands / models that sound appropriate- thing is that I have some rather odd requirements for mine ^^;

What I want is a player that supports an MMC/SD card slot to be expandable, the player itself doesn’t need to have more than 2GB… most players nowadays support voice recording (microphone), some even have direct encoding capabilites and a line-in port, etc.

Supporting folder structure is a must, ID3-tag, too… and it should preferrably support more formats than just MP3 and WMV.

Also, many players have a built-in radio and I’d rather like getting one of those in my player, too :slight_smile:

I hope this post is not inappropriate for this forum, if it is, I won’t object if it gets moved, of course… I’m just lost and trying to find out what my options are. Also, I am assuming that some products arel ikely to have hit the US market already that are not available here, yet.

Here is what I found so far:

Am I just asking too much or do MP3-player manufacturers hate me? ^^;

I’m considering just waiting until after the CeBIT fair here in Germany since it’s one of the world’s biggest consumer electronics / telecommunication / IT trade fairs and some of the manufacturers I contacted already told me they are planning on new models until / for the CeBIT this March (2006).

So what is your opinion on / experience with MP3 players?