[ MSN 7 - Customization ] [MSN Users Read]

[center][size=1][color=Magenta]DONT SPAM THIS THREAD WITH HATE-NESS TOWARDS MICROSOFT & MSN [!][/color][/size][color=Magenta]
Introduction:** Alright, well iv noticed a fair bit around here since MSN 7 has been released people have been complaining about advertisements and how they would like to customize it a bit better. Here is a quick customization, that not only make MSN 7 look alot cleaner with out ads, it also seems to run alot smoother…

**First Step: **Download the MSN A-Patch file, this file created by: AHMZ005 is great. Not only does it allow you to remove advertisements, but it also allows you to remove the nudge feature, winks tabs, and alot more, I recommend this by alot for those who are using MSN 7.

The A-Patch file is very small, 66KB, and since iv been using it iv had no problems, it doesnt containt spyware or adaware and patches like a breeze. When using the patch you must have MSN 7 fully exited to allow it to patch.

Site & Download Link: A-Patch Here
Uploaded ZIP File Link: A-Patch ZIP Here

Second Step: **One thing the A-Patch does’nt do is remove the tabs that are on the left hand side of the main MSN Window where all your contacts are. However this is simple:

[*]In the main MSN 7 window go to: Tools --> Options --> Security --> Tick the box “This Is A Shared Computer, Dont Show My Tabs”.
Conclusion:** Well hopefully these worked for you, if they didnt and you need help, let me know, The screenshot Below is from my MSN 7 window, you may notice its fairly different without the ads and tabs!


One last thing: There is some nice Longhorn skins comming out which I will add the link to when they are released, they worked on the BETA version but they dont work on MSN 7 as yet, however these should be released soon…

Cheers MSN Users: Ben :D:D