With the ‘Official’ release of Windows Live Messenger 8 ([URL=“http://www.betanews.com/article/Windows_Live_Messenger_Launches/1150751158”]Beta News Official Release Article Here) I thought I would make an updated thread on how to “Customize” it using the “A-Patch” Tool.
For those of you who wish to stay put and continue using MSN Messenger 7.5 then view this thread: MSN 7 - Customization
[LEFT]**First Step: **Download Windows Live Messenger 8. (Download Link Here)
** Second Step: **Download the MSN A-Patch Tool, this file created by: AHMZ005 is great. Not only does it allow you to remove advertisements, but it also allows you to remove the nudge feature, winks tabs, and alot more, I highly reconmend this tool!!
The A-Patch file is very small, 100KB, I have been using it for a long time now since it was in its Beta Days and have never had any problems with it, it doesnt containt any spyware and patches like a breeze. When using the patch you must have Windows Live Messenger fully closed to allow it to patch.
** Site Link:** A-Patch Here
** Third Step: **One thing the A-Patch does’nt do is remove the tabs that are on the left hand side of your contacts list. However this is simple:[LIST]
[*]In the main Windows Live Messenger 8 window go to: Tools --> Options --> Tabs --> Tick the box “Hide Tabs”.[/LIST][CENTER]
** Conclusion:** Well hopefully this worked for you, if anything went wrong and you need help, then use this thread to post your questions. The screenshot below is from my Windows Live Messenger 8 window, you may notice its fairly different without the ads and tabs!!
[CENTER][INDENT][LEFT]Cheers Ben :kommie: