Multimedia Question

yo ------- quick question…How do you author a CD-Rom that launches a multimedia presentation when you place it in a pc, and also plays audio when you stick it in any standard CD player??

I know this can be done, but I can not remember how in the flipstix to do it. Anyone?

thanks in advance

  • Fitz :cap:

I think you need an autorun.inf file (notepad file) with something like:


I think. :cantlook:

yup also do a google for “autorun cd” because I believe it is different for MAC.

but how does one make a CD which can be used for both AUDIO PLAYER and PC///

I guess while burning you have a option for mixed media (like Audio & data)

Yeah, I was bored…

'preciate all the responses guys…yeah…basically I just couldn’t remember the terminology. It’s called an “enhanced cd” and I had to track down a different cd authoring tool to get the job done. I had the autorun thing running already, just not that and audio – guess I should have specified. but anyway, thanks!!