[MX] Form Trouble

Ok heres the deal: I have a comments form and it works fine on the site I origonally made it for - now using it on a new site it doesnt, this may be an MX issue, but I cant figure it out heres what I am using:

Main Action Frame of Form:

function lineAdapt() {
	message_send = message;
	while (msg_count<length(message)) {
		msg_count = msg_count+1;
		if ((substring(message_send, msg_count, 2)) eq "\r") {
			message_send = (substring(message_send, 1, msg_count-2))+"
"+(substring(message_send, msg_count+2, (length(message_send))-msg_count+2));
	message = message_send;
	delete msg_count;
	delete message_send;

Action for Submit Button:

on (release) {
	if (name eq "" or comments eq "") {
	} else {
		loadVariablesNum("comments.php", 0, "POST");

PHP Script on my server:

mail(rwalsh@grafikdesigns.com, “Comments/Questions from $name”, "Information Submitted By User:

Name: $name
Date: $date
Phone Number: $phone
Email: $email
Questions/Comments: $comments", “From: $email
Reply-To: $email
X-Mailer: PHP/” . phpversion());

Thanks for you help people - I just cant seem to see whats wrong!!


the only thing I can think of is that eq is now


length is used like:message.length.
you are also using variable called ‘name’ which could cause problems as Flash uses that to name MCs



Hey eki, thanks for the input…

I changed all my code for message.length also I changed ALL the variables in my code to: senderName, senderEmail, etc. and updated my PHP accordingly - BUT TO NO AVAIL! :*(

This one is really getting the best of me - any more ideas, or anyone else have any?.. :frowning:



Maybe there is a different or better way of doing this? My only requirements are I want to use PHP, and I am using Flash MX… origonally I made this with Flash 5, but since I’ve saved that same site in Flash 6 format and it still works there, but in this site I am making from the ground up in MX it is not. grrrrr:evil:


I know I am missing something easy - I think I just need someones fresh view! Thanks


Hey Ryall,

I had a form done, PHP, and if u would like to have a look, leave a reply.


Yeah that might help me fix mine - thanks


Sorry ryall, but i really did’nt have time making an Fla, anyways, try using the script below and tell me how it goes:

$recipient = "h88@kirupa.com";
$body = "The following information was submitted...

foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key => $value) {
	$key = substr($key, 0, -4);
	$body .= "$key: $value
$from = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name_txt'] . " <" . $HTTP_POST_VARS['email_txt'] . ">";
mail($recipient, $HTTP_POST_VARS['subject_txt'], $body, "From: $from");
