The problem is both processes start and you see the new text as the window closes.
Is there a way to have your code not execute the next line until the previous line is complete?
e.g. if movie was finished playing, then perform line 2.
Any tutorials kicking around on doing what I am doing? I know there are tons of ways to do it… just wondering if there are some slick functions etc. that might even do the above.
Well You can somewhat do that… There really isn’t a command to do it… I also have another method for the above that you don’t have to put actual CODE in the movieClip.
I like the function you gave, looks like it will work - have to try still.
But the second one you gave… do you really think it will work?
I mean from what I have been playing with MX that will execute once since it isn’t in a loop and movie2 will never run (if the first movie isn’t done yet).
I tried putting that in a while loop, but then the result is things just freeze right up while the code keeps checking.
But thanks a bunch for the function that looks very cool, will try it out.
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