i have a 204 frame animation i render it from maya as an iff sequence, and bring it into after effects and edit it. what’s the best way to keet file size to a minimum, png, jpg,avi? i tried the sorenson spark that’s w/ MX_ but it turns out funny.
i could export the movie as anything? i just wanna know what is the best, i keep gettin like 4M swf, and optimaze dosent help.
it’s almost kinda like this site neostream.com. and this is important for my digital_portfolio. im sending out demo reels on monday and i have the site built i just hafta make the intro. any prompt help is much appreciated.
I’ve never tried this myself, but I heard .mov files have better compression so you could give that a try.
ok well i’ll try exporting as a(n) .mov, but isn’t that a quicktime ext? anyway if anyone else has some infor on this or has tried expierementing in other ways please, please let me know!!!
yeah it’s a quicktime extension, but it shouldnt matter since you’re bringing it into flash anyways.
aaight cool, i’ll try that, well see what happens!